“Blanciak, a French architect who has worked alongside Peter Eisenman, Frank Gehry, and the Danish provocateur Bjarke Ingels, now lives in Japan, where he is a research fellow at the University of Tokyo. In Siteless, his first book, he displays an equal gift for playfulness and rigor, drawing by hand 1001 building types—fanciful and sometimes impossible—with no thought paid to site, program, or budget….”
The design contains many elements. A good building design, there are many simple objects forms .Refined architectural shape is the key structure in the form of various physical mixture of two-dimensional and three-dimensional space.Building system components is a common name, but eachcomponent of the composition and formation is very complex.In the picture, we can see, a simple body: balls, cubes, columns.They can be a combination of random, random deformation,given the effect is entirely different.A simple element can create difficult works.